About Leominster Town Council
Your Town Council consists of 16 town councillors, who are all volunteers. Four councillors represent each of Leominster’s four wards: Leominster North, Leominster South, Leominster East and Leominster West. Town Councillors are elected every 4 years and are supported by a paid team of 17 staff (the equivalent of 11.8 full time workers), who provide day-to-day council services. To find out more about our current Town Councillors, please follow this link: Councillors
There are 7 full council meetings and at least 30 committee meetings during the year. Committees are responsible for specific areas, such as Planning and Highways, Environmental Services, Finance and General Purposes and Communication and Events.
Meetings are generally held on Monday evenings and all members of the community are welcome to attend. To view our upcoming meetings schedule and to view agendas, please follow this link: Meetings
Town Council Responsibilities
Leominster Town Council have a number of responsibilities:
- Street cleaning within the town centre
- Watering flower displays in town
- Maintaining and cleaning public toilets in Central carpark and on the Grange
- Grass mowing at the Priory churchyard, Grange, Sydonia, Ginhall Green and town verges
- Maintaining play areas on the Grange, Sydonia and Ginhall Green
- Managing trees in these open spaces
- Maintaining urban and rural Public Rights of Way within the parish
- Supporting activities for young people
- Providing grants and support to local groups and community facilities
- Supporting and facilitating town projects
- Grants to support local bus services
- Civic events (e.g. Remembrance Day)
- Christmas lights
- Allotments
- Emergency Response (e.g. flooding, COVID-19)
- Running the Tourist Information Centre and supporting local tourism
- Friday market, Farmers market and speciality markets
- Maintaining Corn Square offices and other facilities belonging to the town council
- Organising events for the town (e.g. Leominster Food Fayre, Winter Wonderland and the Victorian Street Market)
- Administrative and financial activities to support council services and to meet statutory and legal requirements
Matters relating to schools, roads and highways, waste collection, recycling, benefits, licensing, planning/building regulations, environmental health, car parks and parking, are the responsibility of Herefordshire Council.
Many volunteers also work to make the town a nicer place to live, supplementing and complimenting the town council’s activities. These include Leominster in Bloom, litter-picking groups, footpath volunteers and many more.
Our Income Sources
- Allotment rentals
- Letting office and meeting space
- Letting gallery space
- Letting the Secret Garden at 11 Corn Square
- Letting the Servants Quarters flat
- Market income
- Sales and commission from the Tourist Information Centre
- Grants and loans for specific projects (e.g. in 2022 we received post Covid recovery grants from the Welcome Back Fund and the Great Places to Visit Fund )
- The precept (£164.18 per year Band D, 2022-2023) this is included in the council tax you pay to Herefordshire Council.
By exploring new income streams (such as the Servant Quarters holiday let, business cardboard recycling and room rentals) we hope to increase revenue without adding to the tax burden of residents, however the precept remains an essential part of our funding.