Community Consultation
As an elected Town Council, we feel strongly about the importance of consultation and are committed to encouraging local engagement at all available opportunities.
We also consult on a range of other town projects and initiatives. Your views are important to us and we appreciate you taking the time to share them with us.
Leominster Town Council 2024/25 Budget Consultation
We would like to thank all those who contributed to our annual budget consultation, which took place earlier this year. The consultation responses were analysed and the results will help to inform decisions on spending and services in the Town Council’s 2024/25 budget.
You can download a more detailed summary of the 2024/25 Budget Consultation results via the link below:
2024/25 Budget Consultation Report
To request a copy of the consultation results in hard copy or large print, please contact us by phone (on 01568 611734) or speak to us in person at the Town Council Offices at 11 Corn Square.
Leominster Town Council 2023/24 Budget Consultation
We would like to thank all those who contributed to our annual budget consultation, which took place earlier this year. The consultation responses were analysed and the results helped to inform decisions on spending and services in the Town Council’s 2023/24 budget.
You can download a more detailed summary of the 2023/24 Budget Consultation results via the link below:
2023-24 Budget Consultation Report
To request a copy of the consultation results in hard copy or large print, please contact us by phone (on 01568 611734) or speak to us in person at the Town Council Offices at 11 Corn Square.
Leominster Town Council 2022/23 Budget Consultation
We would like to thank all those who contributed to our annual budget consultation, which took place at the end of last year. The consultation responses were analysed and the results helped to inform decisions on spending and services in the Town Council’s 2022/23 budget.
Leominster Town Council 2021/22 Budget Consultation
We would like to thank all those who contributed to our annual budget consultation, which took place at the end of last year. The consultation responses were analysed and the results helped to inform decisions on spending and services in the Town Council’s 2021/22 budget.
The Town Council services rated most highly by consultation respondents included: markets, allotments, Christmas lights and emergency response (flooding, COVID-19), grass cutting and maintenance on open spaces, and street cleaning in the town centre. Three of the items highlighted as being most in need of improvement (Central toilets, Grange toilets, Grange play area) are all projects that have already been included in the Town Council’s current capital projects programme.
Survey respondents identified the following Town Council services as being of the highest priority: street cleaning within the town centre, maintaining and cleaning public toilets in Central car park and on the Grange, maintaining important public footpaths in and around the town, and maintaining Town Council play areas. The Town Council will continue to invest in these important services in the 2021/22 financial year, while also incorporating feedback received through the consultation survey responses.
You can download a more detailed summary of the 2021/22 Budget Consultation results via the link below:
Leominster Town Council Budget Consultation 2021/22
To request a copy of the consultation results in hard copy or large print, please contact us by phone (on 01568 611734) or speak to us in person at the Town Council Offices at 11 Corn Square.