

Leominster Town Council is divided up into four Wards; Leominster East, Leominster North, Leominster South and Leominster West. Each Ward has four representatives who are elected every four years. Elections were last held in May 2023.

When a vacancy arises on the Council the Electoral Department is informed at Herefordshire Council and the vacancy is advertised. If no election is called then the vacancy is filled by co-option by the Town Council. Details of how to apply will always be published on the website.

The Town Councillor

A Town Councillor is a member of the Council, democratically elected by the community he/she serves and who will work together with other Councillors for the benefit of the community. He/she will bring local issues to the attention of the Council and help it to make decisions on behalf of the local community.

Town Councillors work on behalf of the community voluntarily. They are not paid for the work that they do. The Mayor is entitled, in law, to an allowance to enable him/her to meet the expenses of being in office, such as attending public functions, opening events and new buildings, public relations and promoting the town.

A Councillor’s role is to assist in management of the Council, depending upon available resources and level of activity, including:

  • Setting the budget and making policy decisions
  • Human resources
  • Monitoring the proper implementation of decisions made by the Council
  • Suggesting and developing new initiatives and development of existing policies
  • Ensuring that the views of the community are submitted to the relevant persons or bodies and that the special interests of the community are safeguarded or promoted

A Councillor has a duty to act properly and to abide by the adopted Code of Conduct, to attend meetings of the Council, to declare interests as appropriate (Local Government Act 2000 Part III), and to represent the electorate as a whole, not just his/her own voters.

If you have a problem or want to make your views known about anything connected with Leominster, contact one of your Town Councillors. If they cannot help you directly, they will know somebody who can.