
Boiler Replacement - Old Priory, Leominster

Leominster Town Council wishes to procure an appropriately qualified and accredited plumbing and heating engineer to replace existing plant room boilers, associated ancillary equipment, accompanying pipe work, and controls at the Old Priory, Leominster, Herefordshire, HR6 8EQ. A brief for the works can be downloaded using the links below.

All interested parties are asked to submit the following documents to  boilerprocurement@leominstertowncouncil.gov.uk by midnight on Sunday 15th December 2024:

  • completed sections 4-12 of the contract RFT form (supplied below)
  • a completed tender summary spreadsheet (supplied below)

Contract queries must be submitted by email to Liz Womack at e.womack@leominstertowncouncil.gov.uk in advance of 5pm Monday 9th December 2024.